Join Us
Square Wheels annual membership is only £15.00 per year and allows access to enter / participate in all club events. You will need to complete and submit a Square Wheels membership form which will then be processed by the Square Wheels Membership Team upon receipt of the £15.00 yearly membership fee, which should be sent to (Please put your name and initials in the reference field of the transfer):
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account name: Square Wheels UK
Account No: 44414868
Sort Code: 30-90-09
Alternatively, if you have a general enquiry or to request cheque payment information, please contact Bernard Foad the Square Wheels Membership Officer, email:
Square Wheels (Trading as MCVC) and its associated Classic 300 series of Runs will be covered by Third Party Public Liability insurance to a limit of £10,000,000 for any one claim. However, all entrants must have full insurance cover for their vehicle, driver and passengers whilst using the vehicle on the public highway. The vehicle must also comply with all road traffic regulations.
Square Wheels (Trading as MCVC) and The Classic 300 event organisers accept no responsibility for loss to, or damage to, any vehicles taking part in the series of Runs. The Classic 300 series of events are Fun Runs, not competitive events. No racing on the public highway will be condoned.